Association of Minna Canth´s House is a non-profit association. The association owns all the shares in the real estate OY Minna Canthin katu 22, the property is owned by the City of Kuopio.
Here are the members of the Association of Minna Canth’s house:
Members of the association’s content committee are:
Minna Maijala, non-fiction author, Minna Canth -researcher
Mikko Roiha, director, artist professor
Juha Hurme, director, author
Kaarina Hazard, free author
Jussi Lehtonen, art director, actor
Jouni Tossavainen, author
Sirpa Kähkönen, author
Lotta Vaattovaara, actor
Kaisla Pirkkalainen, actor
Virpi Rautsiala, actor
Minna Canth seura, Helsinki
Terhi Jälänne-Kupias, literary critic
Maria Oiva, director, #Digiteatteri
The Construction Committee consists of Pasi Pitkänen Kumoni Oy, Education Manager Harry Dunkel Savonia University of Applied Sciences and architect Hannu Puurunen. Experts are invited to the committees on a case-by-case basis.
Are you interested? Sign up
Contact us:
+358 40 538 3823